As cold days go, we need to restore the dresser to warmer things. You know that I love dresses and I am glad to carry them, and in the end I came across another excellent shopping site. It's the Dresslily site. On this site you can find a large selection of women's and men's clothes, shoes, fashion accessories and various items for the house. With the Dresslily site is free delivery for all countries.
I managed to extract from the site three sweater gowns which seemed to me very practical because they can be worn on all occasions during the cooler days. I will surely order one of them, and as always I hope you will help me with the selection.
Kako nam slede hladniji dani potrebno je obnoviti garderober toplijim stvarima. Znate da obozavam haljine i rado ih nosim te sam u porazi za istim naišla na još jedan odličan sajt za kupovinu. U pitanju je sajt Dresslily. Na ovom sajtu možete naći veliki izbor ženske i muške garderobe, obuću, modne dodatke kao i razne stvari za kuću. Sa Dresslily sajta je besplatna dostava za sve zemlje.
Uspela sam da izdvojim sa sajta tri džemper haljine koje su mi delovale veoma praktično jer se tokom hladnijih dana mogu nositi u svim prilikama. Sigurno ću poručiti neku od njih, a kao i uvek nadam se da ćete mi pomoći pri odabiru.
Click to see beautiful sweater dresses online on Dresslily site.
My first choice is this choker's wine color dress. On the sleeves at the elbows there are small cuts with embroidery. How it looks on the site, and its price you can see HERE.
Moj prvi izbor je ova čoker haljina boje vina. Na rukavima kod laktova ima male izreze sa rajfešlusima. Kako izgleda na sajtu, kao i njenu cenu možete videti OVDE.
The second dress of green color follows the body line. There is no addition to it, but with it a gray necklace goes, which I think can be taken off. How it looks on the site, as well as its price look HERE.
Druga haljina zelene boje prati liniju tela. Nema nikakve dodatke na sebi, ali uz nju ide siva ogrlica, za koju mislim da se može i skinuti. Kako izgleda na sajtu, kao i njenu cenu pogledajte OVDE.
The third dress is white and its size is universal. There is romboid work in the middle and on the sleeves, and somehow it's all wonderful in some special way. It reminds me of sweaters once used by my grandmother. You can look at this dress and its price on HERE.
Treća haljina je bela i njena veličina je univerzalna. Ima na sredini i na rukavima romboidni rad i nekako je cela divna na neki poseban način. Podseća me na džempere koje je nekad plela moja baka. Ovu haljinu i njenu cenu na sajtu možete pogledati OVDE.
Do you wear a sweater dress? What would be your choice?
Da li vi nosite džemper haljine? Koja bi bila vaš izbor?
Nisam ljubitelj Džemper haljina, ali mnogo mi se dopadaju prva i druga i svakako mislim da bi tebi idealno stojale i da bi divno išle uz tebe. Jako lijepe stvari ❤️❤️
ОдговориИзбришиI follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog
Hvala ti puno!
ОдговориИзбришиGreat choices and my fav is white dress ..
im sorry for the late reply
ОдговориИзбришиthank you for your nice comment on my blog
I follow you =)
Oh da, volim ih, mada sa povecanjem kilaže, počela sam da ih izbegavam :( Sva tri su lepa - sjajan izbor :)
ОдговориИзбришиHvala ti puno, inače mislim da ih ima u više veličina, a bela je univerzalna :)
ИзбришиOdličan odabir!
ОдговориИзбришиVisit me and follow:
I following you now. Thank you for your comment on my blog.
Thanks dear Simoneta :)
Избришиgreat post dear! my favourite is choker's wine dress!
ОдговориИзбришиnow i follow you! <3
a kiss from Italy,